Emily Fan


I am a senior at MIT interested in making the world a better place.

Currently, I’m studying computer science to
  • grow as a software engineer
  • develop a technical understanding of artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • gain skills that can be applied to any field
In the past, I have attempted to tackle news bias with data analysis, procrastination with a tool that blocks Facebook, and climate change.

I hope to apply my skills and education to address some of the biggest challenges society faces today.


Only todo list I know of that estimates whether you can meet your deadlines on time given your schedule and life needs. Grabs empty time slots on your calendar and subtracts estimated time it takes to finish tasks so you know if you actually have too many things to do. Built with React JS and Google Firebase.
News tools
A Python package with tools for extracting dates, determining if a URL is a news article, and more!
Tab Snooze Fork
Forked broken version of Tab Snooze and released a fix. Received over 1,000 installs and almost 5 stars overall rating on the Google Chrome webstore.
Helicopter Remote App
Redesigned the user interface. Allows users to control their helicopter using an Andriod app! Received over 10,000 installs and a 4.5/5 stars overall rating on Google Play store.
Locating Object
Used OpenCV to detect an object (gear, box, reflective tape) and calculate the distance and angle to the object.
FBlocker and Timer
A selective blocker to hide notifications, chat, and news feed for a focused Facebook experience. (Unfortunately, it got taken down by Facebook for using "FB" in "FBlocker.")
Other Random Things
Smaller projects and random playgrounds such as a script to remind myself to standup every so often can be found on Github.


Email: emilyfan [at] mit.edu or hello [at] emilyf.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/iamef/

Github: https://github.com/iamef

Anonymous Comments Form: https://forms.gle/4KFD4Kd9zrUd6xRh8